Yapalong Airtube PTT Headset
- Ref-Comm Airtube Headset with (PTT) Push-To-Talk Button
- Allows 4th Official to remain in listening mode without disturbing the referee crew until voice cummunication is needed
- Airtube to filter out high pitched sound
- In-line speaker to boost sound volume
3 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Light and functional 4th official headset
I like that this headset has a microphone that isn't a boom-style headset. The fourth can just clip the mic on a shirt collar, and it's set and ready to go. The PTT set up is very helpful to not hear the technical area chatter while on the field. :)
Yapalong Airtube PPT Headset
It is great to use on the field. But the flimsy earpiece that comes with it needs some improvement. I have found another more sturdy earpiece to use on it and it stays in my ear a lot better. Adjusting it from one ear to the other is a bit difficult with my big hands and the very tiny screw. Now I know why they send several extra screws cause I did lose one. Took me about 15 minutes to change it from one side to the other.
Excellent 4th Official Headset
Very good 4th official headset. Allows you to speak to the crew when needed, but doesn't clog up the communication lines with conversations with coaches that don't need to be heard by everyone. Easy to use and set up, very clear, and the earpiece is easily removed and put back in if a conversation with a coach/technical staff needs to happen.